Most Durable Dog Toys That Will Last All Summer

A dog playing with a toy.

Are you and your dog ready for warmer weather? As summer approaches, you will want to make sure your pup is groomed and ready to play outside. Always have plenty of water for both you and your dog when heading out for adventure. Don’t forget to bring some interactive dog toys to keep your best friend active and healthy. To help you prepare for this beautiful time of year, the team at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital developed a list of durable toys that will last all summer:


The Proper Place: When to Pay Attention to Your Dog’s Penis

Dog dancing with his owner.

You know your male dog has one, but it’s easier or more comfortable to ignore it. That is, until your dog’s penis appears to be…stuck. Many dogs will go through their lives without needing any attention to their nether parts. But it’s just as common for dogs to get into a predicament known as paraphimosis, and it can become a real pet emergency. 
