Factor in Pet Safety When It Comes to Summer Activities

Pet SafetySummer has arrived, and if you have children in the home, this is likely a time of great rejoicing. Visions of running through the sprinklers, popsicles on the porch, endless crafts, and other summer delights fill the heads of the youngest family members, and, of course, the family pet must be involved in the fun.

Before diving into to your to-do list of activities and adventures this summer, take a moment to make sure pet safety is at the top!

Outdoor Fun

Nothing screams summer like playing outdoors with the family pet, especially if there’s a pool, sprinkler, or hose involved. While everyone is out soaking up the sun, it’s important to remember that pets can easily succumb to dehydration and heatstroke during the warm and humid months. Keep the following tips in mind to protect your pet this summer:

  • Make sure pets have access to plenty of shade and fresh, cool drinking water at all times while outdoors.
  • Keep pets inside as much as possible on very hot or humid days.
  • Let your kids and pets keep cool in a shallow kiddie pool or sprinkler.
