Stand Up To Your Pet’s Bad Breath

A dog yawning.

One of the best parts of modern pet ownership is that so much is now known about caring for them. No longer forced to simply accept things we wish were different, we can affect change in our pet’s behavior, appearance, and overall health. Instead of shrugging off, say, bad breath, we can design an approach that not only works for owners, but also helps pets in the long run. If your pet’s bad breath clears the room, it’s time to help them through.


What Stands in the Way of Overall Pet Dental Health? Periodontal Disease

The concept of “self-care” has picked up a lot of speed lately, and for good reason. We collectively strive for good physical and mental health, quality time in nature, and fulfilling moments with family and friends. All of this is to help guarantee quality – and quantity – of life.

What if there was something easy enough to do a few times every week that basically assured your pet’s health and wellness? Aside from providing excellent nutrition and varied exercise opportunities, pet dental health improves and safeguards their day to day wellbeing. Without regular attention to their teeth and gums, periodontal disease can really throw a wrench into your pet’s long term health.


Say Cheese! The Benefits of Pet Dental Care

VolVet_iStock_000009963933_Large (1)Getting to the bottom of a pet’s ailment can often be as easy as looking inside the mouth. Painful oral infections can lead to serious health issues; however, with regular dental maintenance, your pet may avoid certain problems related to poor dental hygiene and even lead a longer life.

Let’s explore how pet owners, through easy pet dental care habits, can help bolster increased pet health and longevity. Continue…