Posts Tagged: Pet Safety
Our Winter Pet Safety Tactics Keep Paws Warm
It’s that time of the year again: sweater weather! There is so much to enjoy about winter in Knoxville, but not everyone loves the shorter days or chilly mornings. Pets might not necessarily know what’s going on with the weather, but they are certainly affected by it. The good news is that there aren’t too many extremes to worry about. However, winter pet safety is a concern that benefits from a proactive approach.
Continue…Traveling with Your Pet Safely
A change in seasons means new possibilities for traveling and vacationing with your family. Whether your travels are by air or by car, you want to keep safety as your top priority. This is especially important if you are traveling with your pets! The team at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital has put together the essential safety tips for traveling with your pets:
Continue…Microchipping Your Pet Could Be the Best Decision You’ll Ever Make

Pet owners have an abundance of leashes and collars to choose from. They can be versatile, stylish, or robust, but the one thing a sturdy leash-collar combination cannot do is help locate a lost or missing pet.
Microchipping your pet is a quick, safe option that can guard against accidental separation if their collar falls off or is removed. They are part of an amazing technology, but how exactly do microchips work?
The Fine Print
Pets don’t necessarily plan on becoming lost or separated from their owners, but it happens with regular frequency.
Cases of missing pets spike around certain holidays, like Independence Day (think fireworks) or Halloween (think scary costumes), but they can also result from thunderstorms, parties, or the simple act of wandering a little too far.
Continue…Holiday Pet Safety Made Simple

The winter months already seem to be in full swing as we prepare for the big holiday season. Shopping for gifts, visiting family and friends, and preparing for those big traditional feasts define this time of year. But do you have your pet’s safety on the to-do list of priorities?
Holidays send many pets to animal emergency hospitals for a variety of reasons. Ingesting a toxic treat or a bite of mistletoe or escaping out of an open gate are some of the many risks to our pets. The team at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital want you and your furry one to have the most amazing season ever, and that includes holiday pet safety.
Continue…Let’s Talk Turkey: Thanksgiving Pet Safety

Thanksgiving is fast approaching, a fact that has most Americans jumping for joy. Between the turkey, stuffing, casseroles, and desserts, there’s something on the Thanksgiving table for everyone. But wait – does that include our pets?
Most of us have a hard time resisting those puppy dog eyes, but there are some things you should know about Thanksgiving. When it comes to Thanksgiving pet safety, we aren’t just talking turkey.
Keep reading to find out about some of the common holiday pet disasters that can land you in the emergency animal clinic this year, as well as ways to keep your pets safe on Thanksgiving and beyond.
Continue…No Chocolate for You! Halloween Pet Safety Tips From the Pros

Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday season, and kids and adults alike look forward to this fun time of year. After all, what could be better than costumes, pumpkins, and of course – candy?
For our pets, this beloved fall holiday can be fraught with danger. Here at Volunteer Veterinary Hospital, we see cases of pet poisonings, missing pets, and other emergency situations every year around this time. Preventing dangerous situations for your pet means being aware of the many ways they can get into trouble, and we are here to help! Check out our Halloween pet safety tips for a healthier, safer, and less scary holiday for your furry loved ones.
Continue…The Howl-O-Ween Blog: All About Pet Halloween Safety
The leaves are changing, the air has cooled, and is tinged with the smell of wood smoke. Everywhere you turn there are carved pumpkins on the porches, spooky cobwebs in the trees, and bags of candy disappearing off the store shelves. There’s no doubt about it, Halloween is right around the corner.
While you and your family are getting ready for a night of costumed fun, Halloween festivities can have some serious consequences for our pets. Not only does your pet potentially have access to more toxic foods this time of year, his or her risk of injury increases as well. Help keep your pet happy, calm, and safe this year with our Halloween pet safety tips. Continue…
My Dog Ate My Homework! Foreign Bodies in Pets
In the digital day and age, the timeless excuse that the dog ate your homework may not be as relevant as it once was. That doesn’t stop us, however, from seeing a wide variety of items that pets have ingested.
Foreign bodies in pets can be serious business, but if Fido or Felix eats something he shouldn’t have, a trusted veterinarian near you is ready to help.
You Are What You Eat
All too often our pets ingest things they shouldn’t. This may be due to curiosity, boredom, or even carelessness. While some items are actually toxic or can cause a secondary illness like pancreatitis, others pose a physical risk. Even inert objects can become stuck or lodged in the digestive tract, wreaking havoc on your pet’s insides. Continue…
Pet Care: Flat-Nosed Dogs and Summer Heat
While we love their adorable, squishy faces, brachycephalic breeds (or brachys) have physical limitations that come with their unique features.
Flat-nosed dogs include breeds such as pugs, bulldogs, boxers, and King Cavalier Spaniels. Although cute, these animals are more susceptible to heat-related conditions due to structural challenges that affect breathing and panting. As a result, owners of flat-nosed dogs should take extra care when heading outdoors in hot, humid weather.
Flat Nose, Short Muzzle: The Health Risks
Hundreds of years ago, humans began selectively breeding dogs (and cats) to produce specific, beneficial traits. Consequently, some genetic mutations occurred more rapidly than they would have naturally, leading to the emergence of certain physical conditions. In brachycephalic pets, this process has impacted their ability to breathe. Continue…
Pet Wellness: What You Need to Know About Pets and Water Safety
Every species has an appreciation for water, mostly because we all depend on this powerful element for survival. Water recreation is also the go-to option for family fun this summer; it’s even more enjoyable with your splash-loving dog. To help ensure a rip-roaring good time, we’ve compiled the latest pet wellness tips and water safety.
Are You Prepared?
Early exposure to water play is recommended. Try gradually increasing swim time and depth once your pet displays confidence and ability.
A fitted personal flotation device is quite possibly the single most important item your pet needs this summer. Without a high-quality life jacket, your pet could be at risk of drowning – even if you consider him or her to be a strong swimmer. Continue…